• Image
  • Current Version: 1.0.3: 2022-03-16T08:24:14Z
  • First Published: 2021-01-28T13:56:12Z
  • Size: 183040
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2019.3.0
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Best HTTP/2 - cURL Parser Addon

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cURL Parser is a tool to help translate cURL commands into Best HTTP/2 code.
You only have to copy and paste the cURL command, decide on how you want to use the generated code (receive a callback, use the request in a coroutine or in an async-await environment) then press the Parse and Copy to Clipboard buttons!

All source code included. Requires the latest version of Best HTTP/2

It's available as a bundle too!

Useful links:
- Documentation
- Issues, questions
- Discord
- Twitter
- LinkedIn

For support, feature request or general questions you can email me at [email protected], join to the plugin's discord server or create a new issue at the plugin's public Issues repository: https://github.com/Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues

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