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  • Image
  • Current Version: 1.11: 2022-08-26T08:40:40Z
  • First Published: 2022-04-01T08:56:13Z
  • Size: 3447248
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.6

Radio Commands System with Radial Menu

(7 Votes)
$13.79 $13.79

This asset provides you with a Radio Commands/Comms system for PUN 2 available in most modern multiplayer games. Integration is as easy as drag and drop. The selected radio command will be heard by all of your teammates.

Also provides direct integration for MFPS 2.0 out of the box.

You can have different commands and respective audios if you have different player characters like in Valorant. Your teammates will hear your own distinctive command audio.

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