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  • Current Version: 1.0: 2022-07-26T12:56:13Z
  • First Published: 2022-07-26T12:56:13Z
  • Size: 204450048
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2020.3.36
audio sound-fx weapons

Weapon Sound Pack - Grenades Volume

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$15.63 $15.63

Fireworks in coming to you!
This Grenades sound pack volume could be a big plus to your player's arsenal!
This volume follows the same guideline as for Weapon Sound Pack! It comes with 6 iconic grenades sound pack.
This is an explosive sound pack volume, and your player will be able to cover every situations!

The package contains:

-330 sounds
-Sounds are in different parts to let you adjust them easily to your animations!
-6 different Grenades types: Frag, Smoke, Incendiary, FlashBang, EMP, Molotov Cocktail
-Explosions sounds with 3 reverb types (inside, outside and generic)
-Effects sounds: Fire, burning, smoke, electric, flashbang effect
-Grenades Handling sounds
-Grenade bounce sounds
-Grenade throwing sound
-Debris sounds
-A note to explain how to use them
-Royalty free sounds.

All sounds have been recorded in Stereo 44KHz.

And don’t forget, you can still buy each weapon separately, if needed.

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