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  • Current Version: 1.0: 2022-09-13T14:07:56Z
  • First Published: 2022-09-13T14:07:56Z
  • Size: 420078432
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.8
audio music world

Fantasy RPG Music & Ambience - 20 tracks

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$4.98 $4.98

A collection of simple tracks suitable for a wide variety of moods and settings in a fantasy or historical context. Each track has been named with suggestions for how it could be used, but the user is free to interpret and apply in their own way.

Includes musical styles and instruments from all around the world, designed for settings such as taverns, deserts, jungles and mountains.

At 25c per track, you're bound to get your money's worth!

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