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  • Current Version: 1.3.1: 2024-04-19T09:40:12Z
  • First Published: 2023-08-14T10:17:12Z
  • Size: 259840
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.0
tools utilities

Cobra Reflection

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$4.98 $4.98

Introducing Cobra Reflection: a toolkit designed to streamline and optimize reflection operations in C#.

This asset simplifies object construction, method invocation, and field/property access, eliminating the complexities of direct reflection handling.

It optimizes reflection procedures, bringing their speed nearly in line with regular C# operations by caching the members.

This tool also ensures thread-safety, providing reliable synchronization and safe reflection usage in multi-threaded contexts.

The core functionality of Cobra Reflection does not depend on any Unity assemblies so you can easily port it to any type of C# project.

Key Features:

Type Extensions: This asset offers extension methods for type operations such as determining hierarchies, checking assignments, and inspecting implemented interfaces.

Field and Method Extensions: Provides easy access to fields, allows method invocation on objects via reflection, and offers thread-safe field access options.

Attribute Extensions: Simplifies interaction with attributes through reflection, enabling retrieval of specific attributes applied to various entities.

Constructor Extensions: Streamlines object construction by matching the correct constructor based on provided parameters.

Example Use Cases:

Dynamic Mod Loader: Seamlessly load and integrate fan-made content into games without any pre-knowledge of the mods.

Automated Testing: Instantly invoke methods and verify results without directly accessing the codebase.

Plugin Systems: Allow third-party extensions to enhance or expand the core functionality of an application.

Object Inspection: Dive deep into objects at runtime, making debugging or analysis tools more insightful.

Dynamic Scripting: Empower users to script custom functionalities without compromising the core software's stability.

Cobra Reflection is the swiss-army knife for dynamic operations in C#, enabling creativity and adaptability without diving deep into complexities.



Other Assets:

Cobra Updater - Update published games directly from Unity.

Cobra Accounts - Create and manage accounts for your users.

Cobra Store - Create an online store for digital products such as DLC.

Cobra Settings - Manage settings in the cloud or locally for your games or apps.

Cobra Database - Easy database acesss.

Cobra Reflection - Accelerated and simplified C# reflection.

Cobra Packets - Multiplayer networking made easy.

Cobra Optimizers - Smart optimization algorithms.

Cobra Observables - Subscribe to variable changes with events.

Cobra Assemblies (free) - Optimize your Unity project's compilation time.

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