- Current Version: 1.2.0: 2023-07-03T11:28:15Z
- First Published: 2023-04-17T20:52:13Z
- Size: 75542336
- Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.25
tools level-design
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Burning Building
Online Documentation | Editor Demo | Hiding Demo
Burning Building combines a powerful building mesh generation algorithm with tools that make it easy and intutitive to edit -- and works at runtime, so your players can create their own buildings! Use it for...
- Rapid protoyping or level design inside Unity
- Procedurally-generated levels or destructable walls
- Runtime level editing
- Hiding/showing sections of the building mesh based on player position, explored areas or the camera angle
It includes...
- Powerful and intuitive editor tools to push, pull, flood fill, and manipulate building geometry
- Editor tools can be easily extended to the player (try out the Editor Demo !)
- Walls or rooms can be hidden, shown, or partially cut out based on player and camera positions, or even based on what rooms have already been seen for a "fog of war" effect (try out the Hiding Demo !)
- Cuts holes for doors and windows, then spawns user-specified prefabs with the correct positon/rotation.
- Optionally adds chart-based light map UVs, for light mapping.
- Fully-documented C# API
- Very well optimized. Mesh generation is done asynchronously in a burst job, and there are a minimum number of draw calls (one per material; so usually only 10-20 draw calls for a whole building).
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