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  • Current Version: 1.2.2: 2024-03-22T08:48:31Z
  • First Published: 2024-02-19T12:20:18Z
  • Size: 76103456
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.29
tools terrain

Foliage Renderer

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$89.82 $26.95

The Foliage Renderer replaces Unity Terrain's Tree and Detail rendering with a faster, indirect rendering path.


- GPU based rendering, freeing up significant CPU time

- Cell based Streaming and Culling of terrain details

- GPU based Frustum Culling

- GPU based HI-Z Occlusion Culling in BiRP, HDRP & URP

- Supports up to 4 LODs per object with LOD Crossfade Support

- Supports LODs on Unity Terrain Details

- Support for Single Pass Stereo Rendering

- Ability to pass Height, Normal, and Albedo of terrain, as well as user defined per-terrain data to vegetation shaders.

- Custom shaders and shader code to allow conforming objects to the terrain

- Custom shaders and shader code to allow tinting objects with the terrain's albedo

- Can overload visible distance and shadow distance per object

- Can overload max LOD usage for faster shadow rendering

- Compressed data structures for faster processing and reduced memory usage

- Works with The Vegetation Engine shaders

- Includes it's own shader and stackables for Better Shaders, which supports albedo tint, conforming to the terrain, wind animation, and instancing support.

- Shader graph node for adding indirect instancing support to existing shaders

- Shader patcher to modify external 3rd party shaders

- One menu item selection to convert existing terrains to Foliage Renderer

- All source code included


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