• Image
  • Current Version: 1.0: 2023-12-18T14:16:13Z
  • First Published: 2023-12-18T14:16:13Z
  • Size: 226539728
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2022.3.11
audio music world

Grains of Alheida

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$49.89 $49.89

Imagine a landscape full of dunes and a solitary tent with a bedouin drinking tea by his camel. If you prefer a busy bazaar in a city brimming with chatter, traders trying to scam you with "special prices" for some spices, Grains of Alheida's got you covered. Feel like your character is missing depth? Use one of the pensive tracks for that purpose. Last, but not least, don't let that desert palace siege go without adequate musical accompaniment.

You can listen to the demo versions on my YouTube channel.

Using traditional Middle-Eastern instruments, the tracks create an atmosphere fit for any game containing elements that fit the previous descriptions. Instruments used:

Stringed instruments:

  • Oud
  • Santoor
  • Kanun
  • Kemenche


  • Duduk


  • Daf (Dayereh)
  • Darabuka (Dunbek)
  • Riq
  • Tabla (often not considered ME)
  • Tonbak (Tar, or Davul)

These tracks do NOT have premade loops. Every single note is played and custom for each track.

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