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  • Current Version: 1.0: 2024-01-08T13:35:12Z
  • First Published: 2024-01-08T13:35:12Z
  • Size: 13617312
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.21
tools utilities

Environment Pooler

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$47.66 $47.66

If you designed your scene environment with Gena for example, you can have a very beautiful scene but with tones of GameObjects. Lights, particles, combinations, any type of prefabs.

What are possible steps to improve the performance and get High fps?

Not to have all these gameObjects in your scene! How?

Instantiate and Destroy depending on zone?

Well, if these operations would not be so performance costly, it would be enough, yes. But it is not.

That’s why you can use this asset. In a few words is:

  1. Store transform information of the gameObjects that should be in the scene
  2. Spawn without huge impact on performance some portion of them in inactive state.
  3. Depending on the location of the Player locate accordingly nearest environment prefabs using chunk philosophy and respecting settings of the pooler (segmentation of the area)
  4. Reuse - pooler philosophy

2 modes:

If you have uniform distribution of the environment - you can use

Cartesian mode. If you have in your scene some big object and the stuff can be around it - Polar mode. Also you can separate your environment per pooler and you can have different poolers at same time.


  • you have a town or a forest. You can use Cartesian mode.
  • you have an Island and you want to put underwater prefabs around? - Polar mode.
  • and for the Island itself you can use Cartesian mode. (so in the scene you can have 2 poolers)


The asset is designed for a static environment. 

Good example

Imagine an underwater environment teeming with corals, jellyfish, particles, lights, etc.

Not supported example:

Consider an environment where you can destroy or move objects. For instance, in your underwater environment, there might be rocks that can be moved or destroyed. These GameObjects should NOT be included in the pooler logic.

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