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  • Current Version: 1.0: 2024-04-10T10:19:42Z
  • First Published: 2024-04-10T10:19:42Z
  • Size: 10208864
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2022.3.20
vfx particles environment

Camera-Adherent GPU Particles

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$59.88 $59.88

The Camera-Adherent GPU Particles is a cutting-edge plugin designed for creating captivating lens-front special effects. If you have ever encountered issues related to mobile performance, particle camera tracking, or preheating, it should be a good choice for you. Crafted with a focus on optimal performance for mobile devices, its feature list includes:

  1. Utilizing GPU-based particle simulation and culling processes without the need for SSBO buffers, ensuring excellent performance on mobile devices and seamless cross-platform compatibility.Efficient Particle Simulation:
  2. Support for generating particle systems exclusively in front of the camera, reducing the computational load of particle simulation and rendering.Selective Particle Systems:
  3. Implemented with GPU instance architecture, avoiding the use of geometry shaders to significantly reduce mesh count, thereby enhancing cross-platform support.GPU Instance Architecture:
  4. Comprehensive particle functionalities such as displacement vectors, fade in/out effects, noise parameters, soft particles, and more.Versatile Particle Features:
  5. Intuitive support for Stretched Direction, equivalent to Unity's Streched Billboard, providing enhanced visual effects.Stretched Direction Support:
  6. Includes sample implementations for creating mesmerizing snow and ice storm effects, showcasing the plugin's capabilities.Snow and Ice Storm Examples:
  7. Features a detailed rain simulation example, demonstrating the plugin's flexibility in handling diverse weather effects.Rain Example:

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