• Image
  • Current Version: 1.0.0: 2024-06-04T02:14:13Z
  • First Published: 2024-06-04T02:14:13Z
  • Size: 127754640
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2021.3.33
vfx particles

Weapon Effects 2

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$26.68 $26.68

Supported Built-in, URP, HDRP pipelines.

The pack contains 15 different weapon effects and mesh decals.

PC Demo

- Just drag and drop

- Easy scaling (using transform scale)

- Average draw calls per effect ~3-6

- HDR color range (with physical correct bloom support)

- Shadergraph support

- Used CPU Shuriken particles (to support all platforms, including WebGL, mobiles, and VR)

- Optimized code for multiple effect instances (update manager, MaterialPropertyBlock, particles Job system, etc.)

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email: [email protected]

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