• Current Version: 1.0: 2015-04-01T23:27:22Z
  • First Published: 2015-04-01T23:27:22Z
  • Size: 46794832
  • Supported Unity Versions: 5.0.0
tools audio


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$49.90 $49.90

ParaMix is a plugin for Unity 5.0 and above which allows you to use animating parameters to control sound in both 2D and 3D games. Change sounds and effects for both AudioSources and the new AudioMixer in Unity 5.0 using triggers, animation, or randomness to make your game more awesome. Examples include a complex engine sound that changes based on the speed of your car, wind that uses one small sound loop but sounds like it is constantly changing over time, and a room that when entered emanates creepiness. What it does is really up to you and your creativity!

Detailed documentation available at: www.jodymcadams.com/ParaMix/ParaMix.pdf

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