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  • Current Version: 2: 2019-02-28T08:13:09Z
  • First Published: 2013-03-18T10:48:42Z
  • Size: 2302010448
  • Supported Unity Versions: 4.3.4
audio music orchestral

KoL - Standard Edition

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$179.41 $179.41

Kingdom of Light - Standard Edition
is an all-in-one audio solution for film and games that demands professional music production. KoL - Standard Edition includes 72 selected cues from the KoL modules & Haunted Nature to delivery a large catalog of high-quality symphonic music ranging from Themes, Towns & Taverns, Combat, Dungeon & Caves, Mystical to breathtaking Time of Day exploration music and Special event cues to enhance your high-fantasy adventure games and films. This bundle pack is suitable for land masses ranging from 10 to over 25 sq miles or to increase your current in-game music just shy of 2 hrs! Take your project to the next level with this beautifully crafted and comprehensive musical suite.

The Music
Early on in the development of this music suite I decided that in order to bring a film-like experience with lasting appeal, limiting the scoring to the flexibilty and pallete of sounds of the orchestra was the only way to go. Nearly all instruments of the orchestra are put to use with splashes of male and female choirs ...read more

The Mood
'Epic Fantasy Adventure' may have been a better title as it prefectly describes 'Kingdom of Light'. The atmosphere of KoL is broad in scope ranging from sentimental, hopeful, mystical, brooding, ferocious, to purposeful and playful, all for different environments one may encounter in an epic fantasy adventure...read more

FORMAT: WAV 16-Bit / 44.1 kHz
Stereo/Mono: STEREO
Total Length: 110 minutes
Total Cues: 72
Looped Audio: Battle & Skirmish music only
License :Multi-Use License covers unlimited projects!
Selected cues from these Libraries:
KoL-Time of Day
KoL-Dungeons & Caves
KoL-Special Cues
ASD-Haunted Nature

Listen to all cues here!

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